Table: editions

7677Ty Kroll2004-07-212004-07-21based on 'Dargason - 2nd Suite in F for Military band, choral arranged by Ty Kroll. The score states that it may be distributed only in the USA, however, Holst's works are now out of copyright in the UK and possibly other European countries as well. Please refer to [[Help:When does music enter the public domain?|this page]] for more information.9770The Hawthorn Tree (Gustav Holst)The Hawthorn TreeGustav Holst2023-09-16 08:47:38

Table: files

7677.2The_Hawthorn_Tree.mid7677internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 08:47:38
7677.1The_Hawthorn_Tree.pdf7677internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 544PersonalLetter252023-09-16 08:47:38