Table: editions

22464John Hetland2010-10-182010-10-18Source: ''Early English Church Music,'' volume 2, edited by Frank Ll. Harrison, British Academy, 1962. The original notation has been raised a major third and the note values halved. The tenor part, Mundy's being missing, is by the editor. Translation and slight changes to the text underlay and to the tenor part by John Hetland and The Renaissance Street Singers.61643Beati immaculati in via (William Mundy)Beati immaculati in viaWilliam Mundy2023-12-28 16:34:22

Table: files

22464.3Mund-bea.mxl22464internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-12-28 16:34:22
22464.1Mund-bea.pdf22464internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 573CPDLLetter92023-12-28 16:34:22
22464.2Mund-bea.MID22464internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-12-28 16:34:22