Table: editions

23008John Hetland2011-01-152011-01-15Source: ''Early English Church Music,'' vol. xvii, ed. D. Chadd, 1977-. Notation here is the same pitch as original with time values halved. Original part names are ''Treble, Mean, Counter-tenor 1'' and ''2, Tenor, Bass.'' Translation and text underlay by John Hetland and The Renaissance Street Singers. Revised 30 May 2013.64152Missa "Cantate" (John Sheppard)Missa "Cantate"John Sheppard2023-09-16 10:20:35

Table: files

23008.2Shep-can-glo.MID23008internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}}  Chant-2023-09-16 10:20:35
23008.3Shep-can-glo-c.mxl23008internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}}  Polyphony-2023-09-16 10:20:35
23008.4Shep-can-glo.mxl23008internalsourcesource2Music XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 10:20:35
23008.1Shep-can-glo.pdf23008internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 669CPDLLetter162023-09-16 10:20:35