Table: editions

26886Edmund Gooch2012-08-032012-08-03Original order of staves is 2d. - 1st. - [Instrumental bass] in the opening symphony, and Tenor - [Alto] - Treble - [Bass] - [Instrumental bass] thereafter. The 2nd part of the symphonies during and after the verse is given on the tenor stave in the source, but is given on the Alto stave in the present edition. The alto part is notated in the treble clef at the upper octave in the source. The second, third and fourth verses of the text are printed after the music in the source, and have here been underlaid editorially. The last word of the last verse is printed in the source as 'voices'.79981How good and pleasant must it be (Thomas Clark)How good and pleasant must it beThomas Clark2023-09-16 07:51:30

Table: files

26886.3ClarT-HowGood.mxl26886internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 07:51:30
26886.2ClarT-HowGood.mid26886internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 07:51:30
26886.1ClarT-HowGood.pdf26886internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 66Public DomainA422023-09-16 07:51:30
26886.4ClarT-HowGood.sib26886internalsourcesource2Sibelius{{Sib}}(Sibelius 7)2023-09-16 07:51:30