Table: editions

29721Willem Verkaik2013-07-272013-07-27The 4th quarter of bar 69 contains both f and g in the tenors. The bass note of D allows a g in the tenors, but the suspended f in tenor 2 does not sound well. Maybe a unisono g would be better.91897Caritas Dei diffusa est (Tertia pars) (Sigismondo d'India)Caritas Dei diffusa est (Tertia pars)Sigismondo d'India2023-09-16 08:02:32

Table: files

29721.4Caritas_Dei-India.MUS29721internalsourcesource2Finale{{Mus}}(Finale 2004)2023-09-16 08:02:32
29721.3Caritas_Dei-India.mxl29721internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 08:02:32
29721.2Caritas_Dei-India.mid29721internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 08:02:32
29721.1Caritas_Dei-India.pdf29721internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 244CPDLA4122023-09-16 08:02:32