Table: editions

32869Michael Winikoff2014-09-062014-09-06Original composition uploaded by the composer. Permission is granted for this piece to be copied as needed and performed as desired. No royalties are required. I would appreciate being notified of performances, and, if possible, getting a recording (e.g. MP3 file) of performances. Thank you!103232The Mona Lisa (Michael Winikoff)The Mona LisaMichael Winikoff2023-09-16 11:03:03

Table: files

32869.2Monalisa-winikoff.mxl32869internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 11:03:03
32869.1Monalisa-winikoff.pdf32869internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 903PersonalUnknown82023-09-16 11:03:03