Table: editions

32941Edmund Gooch2014-09-142014-09-14The order of parts in the source is Tenor - [Alto] - Air - [Bass], with the alto part printed in the treble clef an octave above sounding pitch. Small bass notes without lyrics are used in the source to indicate notes to be played by the instrumental bass part or keyboard accompaniment, without the bass voices, in bar 8. Only the first verse of text is given in the source: selected further verses given here have been added editorially.103446Mortals awake, with angels join (Incarnation) (Thomas Clark)Mortals awake, with angels join (Incarnation)Thomas Clark2023-09-16 07:51:40

Table: files

32941.3ClarT-MortalsAwake-Incarnation.mxl32941internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 07:51:40
32941.4ClarT-MortalsAwake-Incarnation.sib32941internalsourcesource2Sibelius{{Sib}}(Sibelius 7)2023-09-16 07:51:40
32941.2ClarT-MortalsAwake-Incarnation.mid32941internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 07:51:40
32941.1ClarT-MortalsAwake-Incarnation.pdf32941internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 52Public DomainA422023-09-16 07:51:40