Table: editions

34035Allen Garvin2015-01-022015-01-02Parts and source available at IMSLP.    N.B. (from Pothárn Imre) In the score you can read the title of the first edition of this madrigal, but the present edition was not made of it, but (most probably) of Gardano's 1569 reprint of the 1550 edition of Rore's first book for 4 voices4823Ancor che col partire (Cipriano de Rore)Ancor che col partireCipriano de Rore2024-04-13 02:50:11

Table: files

34035.311-anchor_che_col_partire---0-score.mxl34035internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2024-04-13 02:50:11
34035.211-anchor_che_col_partire---0-score.midi34035internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2024-04-13 02:50:11
34035.111-anchor_che_col_partire---0-score.pdf34035internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 80Creative Commons Attribution Non-CommercialLetter32024-04-13 02:50:11