Table: editions

35214Barry Johnston2015-04-282015-04-28Note shapes added (4-shape). In this edition, the first 14 measures were converted to 3/2 time, as in the post-1781 edition; from the fugue onward music are as 1770, except that most "chusing notes" have been removed, as in the post-1781 edition. Words have been added to the last section (measures 15-36) in imitation of the 1770 edition.112527Europe (William Billings)EuropeWilliam Billings2023-09-19 15:54:06

Table: files

35214.2EuropeBillings1770a.mxl35214internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-19 15:54:06
35214.1EuropeBillings1770a.pdf35214internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 99Public DomainUnknown22023-09-19 15:54:06