Table: editions

35908John Hetland2015-06-272015-06-27Source: ''Das Chorwerk,'' 77, 1960. The notation here is a tone higher than the original with time values halved. Translation, text underlay and ''musica ficta'' by John Hetland and The Renaissance Street Singers. 8 Feb 2013115269Nemo potest venire (Gioseffo Zarlino)Nemo potest venireGioseffo Zarlino2023-11-11 13:02:45

Table: files

35908.1Zarl-nem.pdf35908internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 1486CPDLLetter112023-11-11 13:02:45
35908.3Zarl-nem.mxl35908internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-11-11 13:02:45
35908.2Zarl-nem.MID35908internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-11-11 13:02:45