Table: editions

37263Barry Johnston2015-10-212015-10-21Notes from 1567, put into two staffs with Soprano the lead: Soprano = old ''Tenor'' (up an octave), Alto = ''Counter'', Tenor = ''Meane'', and Bass = ''Bass''. No words. Two versions on sheet: in original key (G major), and moved down a step (F major) for easier singing.12222Why brag in malice high (Thomas Tallis)Why brag in malice highThomas Tallis2023-09-16 10:32:28

Table: files

37263.3Psalm52Tallis1567mx2.mxl37263internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 10:32:28
37263.2Psalm52Tallis1567mx2.mid37263internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 10:32:28
37263.1Psalm52Tallis1567mx2.pdf37263internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 83Public DomainLetter12023-09-16 10:32:28