Table: editions

38738Simon Biazeck2016-03-012016-03-01This edition has been transcribed from the Trent codex, transposed down a minor third and the note values have been quartered. The original mensuration sign, tempus imperfectum, prolatio minor, suggests a moderate two in a bar. Cue-sized and cautionary accidentals are editorial. The editorial treatment of musica ficta, the approach to harmonic tritones and false relations seeks to address some aural prejudices we may have about this music, and, indeed, much music of the late Medieval and early Renaissance periods. No attempt has been made to correct so-called forbidden intervals. All voices retain their linear integrity.126576Gloria (Tr. 93, 170v - 171r) (John Dunstable)Gloria (Tr. 93, 170v - 171r)John Dunstable2023-09-16 08:06:51

Table: files

38738.3Gloria_(Dunstable)_Tr._93,_170v_-_171r.mxl38738internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 08:06:51
38738.2Gloria_in_F_(Dunstable).mid38738internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 08:06:51
38738.1Gloria_(Dunstable)_Tr._93,_170v_-_171r.pdf38738internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 98CPDLA432023-09-16 08:06:51