Table: editions

39199Charles Young2016-04-052016-04-05Original pitch, note values have been halved. Mensural barlines, original pitch and clef given in incipits at the start of each section. Editorial accidentals are placed above staff. For convenience of performance, the ''Liber Usualis'' chants (for both tone 1 and tone 6) are included between the even verses, their inclusion does not imply any authenticity in connection with the polyphonic magnificats.98147Magnificat sexti et primi toni (Nicolas Gombert)Magnificat sexti et primi toniNicolas Gombert2023-09-16 08:30:45

Table: files

39199.1Gombert-Magnificat-Tone6.pdf39199internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 275Creative Commons Attribution Share AlikeLetter152023-09-16 08:30:45
39199.3Gombert-Magnificat-Tone6.mxl39199internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 08:30:45
39199.2Gombert-Magnificat-Tone6-midi.zip39199internalscorescore2Zip file{{Zip}}(MIDI)275Creative Commons Attribution Share AlikeLetter152023-09-16 08:30:45
39199.4Gombert-Magnificat-Tone6-ly.zip39199internalscorescore3Zip file{{Zip}}(LilyPond)2023-09-16 08:30:45