Table: editions

42228Alexander Kobel2016-12-092016-12-09after the first edition of the Orchésographie (Langres: Iehan des Preyz, 1589; available at the [ Library of Congress]). Notable difference to other sources: secourir in the highest voice ends on ''f'' the first time, on ''fis'' the second time. The second edition (1596; available at the [ IMSLP]) has ''f'' both times; most modern editions have ''fis'' both times.7476Belle qui tiens ma vie (Thoinot Arbeau)Belle qui tiens ma vieThoinot Arbeau2023-09-16 07:16:30

Table: files

42228.2Pavane.mxl42228internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 07:16:30
42228.1Pavane.pdf42228internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 132CPDLA412023-09-16 07:16:30