Table: editions

44098Andreas Stenberg2017-04-172017-04-17The song-madrigal is printed in score for voices and the harpsichord setting and Italian lute tabulature is also given. The lute setting is also transcribed to French lute tabulature. A transposed score over the harpsichord part is obtainable, as is a raw transcript of the lute setting, by downloading the Lilypond source file, un-commenting the appropriate sections in the file and processing it with Lilypond. The source "Lodi della Mvsica á 3 …" Roma 1595 prints the parts, an arrangement for harpsichord (a fifth lover than the parts) and an intabulation for lute in Italian lute tabulature. The song can be performed with the harpsichord setting or the lute setting at their pitch.145232Ahi dolc' e vagh' accenti (Giovanni Maria Nanino)Ahi dolc' e vagh' accentiGiovanni Maria Nanino2024-01-21 14:42:55

Table: files

44098.4No_1_Ai_dolci_vaghi.ly44098internalsourcesource2LilyPond{{Ly}} 2024-01-21 14:42:55
44098.3No_1_Ai_dolci_vaghi.mxl44098internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2024-01-21 14:42:55
44098.1No_1_Ai_dolci_vaghi.pdf44098internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 392CPDLA462024-01-21 14:42:55
44098.2No_1_Ai_dolci_vaghi.mid44098internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2024-01-21 14:42:55