Table: editions

45926Ross Jallo2017-08-162017-08-16Original key (ATTBB) and note values. Editorial accidentals and slurs added. This anthem is partially preserved in the Peterhouse Partbooks (the "Latter Caroline Set"). The Cantoris Contratenor II partbook and both the Decani and Cantoris Tenor partbooks are missing. Material from those parts is thus editorially reconstructed from the organ part (which, fortunately, is often substantial). As far as I can tell, this is the first modern edition of the piece.172930Almighty God, which hast given (Edmund Hooper)Almighty God, which hast givenEdmund Hooper2023-09-16 08:48:34

Table: files

45926.3Hooper_-_Almighty_God,_which_hast_given.mxl45926internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 08:48:34
45926.2Hooper_-_Almighty_God,_which_hast_given.mid45926internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 08:48:34
45926.1Hooper_-_Almighty_God,_which_hast_given.pdf45926internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 222CPDLLetter92023-09-16 08:48:34