Table: editions

51628Barry Johnston2018-10-292018-10-29Four-part version; Counter part by B. C. Johnston, 2018. Note shapes added (4-shape). The portion in 3:4 time re-barred to retain 3:4 time and avoid ''fermata''. One grace note converted to a normal note. All eight stanzas of Watts' hymn included.204032Sheldon (Hezekiah Moors)SheldonHezekiah Moors2023-09-16 09:31:46

Table: files

51628.3SheldonMoors1809ax.mscz51628internalsourcesource2MuseScore{{Muse}} 2023-09-16 09:31:46
51628.2SheldonMoors1809ax.mxl51628internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 09:31:46
51628.1SheldonMoors1809ax.pdf51628internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 72Public Domain7 x 10 inches (landscape)12023-09-16 09:31:46