Table: editions

53942Andrew Sims2019-04-112019-04-11Source: the "Saint George's Chant Book, compiled for use in Saint George's Church, by The Rev R B Earée, British Chaplain and Richard Thiele, Organist of S George's, Berlin 1887". The source erroneously attributes the chant to "Bishop Purton".213724Double chant in B flat major (Thomas Turton)Double chant in B flat majorThomas Turton2023-09-16 10:41:19

Table: files

53942.3Double_chant_in_B_flat_Turton.capx53942internalsourcesource2Capella{{Capx}} 2023-09-16 10:41:19
53942.2Double_chant_in_B_flat_Turton.mxl53942internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 10:41:19
53942.1Double_chant_in_B_flat_Turton.pdf53942internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 14CPDLA412023-09-16 10:41:19