Felice chi vi mira

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General Information

Author: Giovanni Battista Guarini, 1598 in Rime. Madrigal 53, "Beltà felicitante"

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Text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Felice chi vi mira:
Ma più felice chi per voi sospira.
Felicissimo poi
Chi sospirando fa sospirar voi.
Ben hebbe amica stella
Chi per Donna sì bella
Può far contento in un l'occhio, e'l desio,
E sicuro può dir, quel core è mio.

English.png English translation

Happy is he who looks upon you,
happier he who sighs for you;
but happiest of all is he
who, by sighing, makes you sigh.

A friendly star must have looked kindly upon him
who, thanks to such a beautiful lady,
can at the same time satisfy
both the eye and his desire
and can say without fear of contradiction:
'That heart belongs to me.'

Translation by Mick Swithinbank

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